Part 1: The Browning, Eliot, Thackeray & Trollope Manuscripts from the British Library, London
Taken from the British Library Catalogues of Additional Manuscripts.
Add Mss 34020-34043. Ten works of "George Eliot", 1859-1879: being the holograph copy furnished to the printer by the author, Marian Evans, afterwards Mrs J W Cross. In twenty-four volumes. Paper. Quarto and Octavo. Bequeathed by the author. All the volumes (with the exception of "Theophrastus Such", which was not published until after his death) were presented by her, on their return from the printer, to George Henry Lewes, as is witnessed by the dedicatory inscriptions, many of which have been printed by J W Cross in George Eliot's Life, 1885. On the death of G H Lewes in 1878 they became once more her own property. The contents of the several volumes are as follows:-
Add Ms 34020 George Eliot Adam Bede vol 1
(ff. 285, 318, 265). "ADAM BEDE". Three volumes. The dedication in vol. i. (f. 1) is, "To my dear husband George Henry Lewes, I give this MS. of a work which would never have been written but for the happiness which his love has conferred on my life. Marian Lewes. March 23, 1859". Followed by a note on the composition of the book: "The first volume was written at Richmond, the second at Munich and Dresden, the third at Richmond again. The work was begun on the 22nd October 1857, and finished on the 16th November 1858. A large portion of it was written twice, though often scarcely at all altered in the copying; but other parts only once, and among these the description of Dinah and a good deal of her sermon," etc
Add Ms 34021 George Eliot Adam Bede vol 2 (see Add Ms 34020)
Add Ms 34022 George Eliot Adam Bede vol 3 (see Add Ms 34020)
Add Ms 34023 George Eliot The Mill on the Floss vol 1
(ff. 371, 323, 328). "THE MILL ON THE FLOSS". Three volumes. "Finished March 21st, 1860"
Add Ms 34024 George Eliot The Mill on the Floss vol 2 (see Add Ms 34023)
Add Ms 34025 George Eliot The Mill on the Floss vol 3 (see Add Ms 34023)
Add Ms 34026 George Eliot Silas Marner
(ff. 346). "SILAS MARNER: The Weaver of Raveloe". 1861
Add Ms 34027 George Eliot Romola vol 1
(ff. 371, 378, 316). "ROMOLA". Three volumes. "The manuscript was begun on the 1st January, 1862, and finished June the 9th, 1863".
Add Ms 34028 George Eliot Romola vol 2 (see Add Ms 34027)
Add Ms 34029 George Eliot Romola vol 3 (see Add Ms 34027)
Add Ms 34030 George Eliot Felix Holt, the Radical vol 1
(ff. 278, 269, 271). "FELIX HOLT, the Radical". Three volumes. 1866.
Add Ms 34031 George Eliot Felix Holt, the Radical vol 2 (see Add Ms 34030)
Add Ms 34032 George Eliot Felix Holt, the Radical vol 3 (see Add Ms 34030)
Add Ms 34033 George Eliot The Spanish Gypsy: A Poem
(ff. 335). "THE SPANISH GYPSY. A Poem". "Originally written in the winter of 1864-5", and "rewritten and amplified after a visit to Spain in 1867".
Add Ms 34034 George Eliot Middlemarch vol 1
(ff. 291, 302, 313, 311). "MIDDLEMARCH: A study of provincial life". Four volumes. 1872
Add Ms 34035 George Eliot Middlemarch vol 2 (see Add Ms 34034)
Add Ms 34036 George Eliot Middlemarch vol 3 (see Add Ms 34034)
Add Ms 34037 George Eliot Middlemarch vol 4 (see Add Ms 34034)
Add Ms 34038 George Eliot Poems
(ff. 148). POEMS, viz. :- "The Legend of Jubal", f. 3; "Agatha" (first draft), f. 36; "How Lisa loved the King", f. 53; "Brother and Sister", f. 80; "Armgart", f. 91; "A Minor Prophet", f. 118; "Stradivarius", f. 134; "Two Lovers", f. 142; "Arion", f. 143; "O may I join the choir invisible", f. 147. 1874
Add Ms 34039 George Eliot Daniel Deronda vol 1
(ff. 344, 265, 311, 299). "DANIEL DERONDA". Four volumes. 1876
Add Ms 34040 George Eliot Daniel Deronda vol 2 (see Add Ms 34039)
Add Ms 34041 George Eliot Daniel Deronda vol 3 (see Add Ms 34039)
Add Ms 34042 George Eliot Daniel Deronda vol 4 (see Add Ms 34039)
Add Ms 34043 George Eliot Impressions of Theophrastus Such
(f. 264). "IMPRESSIONS OF THEOPHRASTUS SUCH". Published in 1879
Add Ms 34044 G H Lewes Aristotle
"ARISTOTLE: a chapter from the History of Science. Including analyses of Aristotle's scientific writings". By George Henry Lewes. The holograph copy furnished to the printer. At f. 1 is the inscription: "To my beloved Marian [sc. Marian Evans]. 'Where the heart lies let the brain lie also'. G. H. Lewes. July, 1864".
Paper; ff. 507. Quarto. Presented by Mrs Charles Lewes.
Add Ms 37502 Benjamin Disraeli Speech on the death of Wellington ff 1-37 of Miscellaneous volume.
1. Autograph Draft of the Speech of Benjamin Disraeli (Earl of Beaconsfield 1876), as Leader of the House of Commons, 15 Nov. 1852, on the death of the Duke of Wellington; differing but slightly from the version in Hansard's Parliamentary Debates, vol. 123. f. 1.
2. Original letters from the same to (a) Edward Lawford, in favour of his cousin G. Basevi for architect to the Law Institution; 5 June 1828, f. 38; -(b), on the renewal of a bill, "so unexpectedly dishonoured"; [1835?]. f. 40; -(c) his sister Sarah, on personal, social and political matters; 1837-1852. Extracts are printed in Lord Beaconsfield's Correspondence with his sister, 1832-1852 (1886), and in Lord Beaconsfield's Letters, 1830-1852, an expanded edition, 1887. ff. 42-101, 104-130; -(d) T. Chapman; 6 June 1842, f. 102; -(e) Lady Holland; 16 July 1862, 9 Aug. 1877. ff. 130, 138, 141; -(f) Viscount Campden, on the unwillingness of the House of Commons to listen to details of the internal condition of Italy; 22 June 1863. f. 132; -(g) W. Lovell; 18 Dec. [1863?]. f. 134; -(h) Edward Cheney; 6 July 1875. f.136. Paper; ff. 142. Quarto.
Add Ms 37952 George Eliot Letters to and from Elma Stuart, 1872-1880. 154ff
Original Letters (55) of Mary Ann Evans ("George Eliot"), the novelist, signing herself "M. E. Lewes" and, after her marriage (6 May 1880, d. 22 Dec.) to J. W. Cross, "M. A. Cross", to Elma Stuart; 1 Feb. 1872 - 18 Dec. 1880. With other letters to the same from (a) G[eorge] H[enry] Lewes (d. 28 Nov. 1878), 1 Feb. 1872 - 10 July 1878 (19 letters); and (b) J[ohn] W[alter] Cross, 11 May, 23 Dec. 1880. Included also are autographed copies of three letters of Mrs Stuart to George Eliot, - Jan. 1872, - Feb. 1873, 31 Jan. 1879 (ff. 1, 2, 112); and in the cover at the end is a lock of George Eliot's hair, 1873 (cf.f.13). Edited by Roland Stuart (son of Elma Stuart), London, 1909. Paper; ff. 154. Octavo. Presented by Roland Stuart, Esq.
Add Ms 40768 George Eliot Notebook for Romola. 57ff
Notebook or "quarry" for George Eliot's "Romola". Holograph. The novel (the original Ms is Add. Mss. 34027-34029) was begun 7 Oct. 1861 and the plot finished 12 Dec. 1861; it was begun again 1 Jan. 1862 and finished 9 June 1863; cf J. W. Cross, George Eliot's Life, 1885, ii, pp. 317, 324, 329, 354. It was published as a serial in the Cornhill Magazine, July 1862 - Aug. 1863. On the cover is a label (f. 1) inscribed "Florentine Notes". Besides lists of books, the subject matter consists of extracts from books on historical, social and topographical matters, with chronological lists of Florentine history, and the career of Savonarola. Among the books used are M. Lastri, L'Osservatore Fiorentine, W. Roscoe, Lorenzo de' Medics, Muratori, Antichità, and D. Manin, Le Veglie Piarevoli. It would appear from the list of books quoted by Cross, op.cit. ii, p. 325, as being read in the latter half of 1861, that these notes were taken at about that date.
Paper; ff. ii - 55. Quarto. Circ. A.D. 1861 (see above). Bequeathed by the writer Charles Lee Lewes, son of G. H. Lewes, d. 1891, and sold by the executors of his widow, Gertrude Lewes. Sotheby's sale-cat., 27 June 1923, lot 576.
Add Ms 41060 Wilkie Collins Two short stories: Basil, A Story of Modern Life and Mr Wray's Cash-box, or, The Mask and the Mystery. 101ff
Original Drafts of two early works by William Wilkie Collins, novelist, viz:-
1. Original version of Basil: A Story of Modern Life, differing considerably from the published text (1852). "Basil" is called "Philip" for the greater part of the Ms.; the first two chapters have been supplemented in print by one new chapter (so that ch. iii of the Ms. corresponds to ch. ii of the book), and there are many other divergences. Variations of the preposed title Lanreath occur on ff. 5b, 34b, 48b, and of Basil on ff. 72b, 84b, 86b, while among sketches and other scribblings are imitated signatures of Douglas Jerrold and Mark Lemon (f. 53b) and practice signatures of Collins in the style of Jerrold and others (f. 61b) f. 1.
2. Original version of Mr Wray's Cash-box; or, The Mask and the Mystery, differing in slight details from the published text (1852). f. 87. Paper; ff. 101. Folio. Hodgson's sale-cat., 6 Dec 1923, lot 214.
Add Ms 41667 George Eliot Letters in a Miscellaneous volume.
Miscellaneous letters and papers, viz.:-
A. Commission from George Monck, 1st Duke of Albemarle 1660, as one of the seven Commissioners vested by Act of Parliament, 11 Oct. 1659, with the command of the forces in England and Scotland, to John Wetmore, appointing him Captain of 'a Troope of Horse to bee raised and added to Major Generall [Sir Thomas] Morgan's Regiment, the commission to last 'untill the Parliaments pleasure bee further knowne'; Edinburgh, 24 Oct. 1659. Signed and sealed (the seal now almost gone). f. 1. Presented by R A Coates, Esq.
B. Letter from Charles Dickens to 'George Eliot' (Mary Ann Evans), the novelist, thanking her for a copy of Scenes of Clerical Life; Tavistock House, London, 18 Jan. 1858. The address is 'George Eliot Esquire'. Printed in J. W. Cross, George Eliot's Life, ii, 1885, p 3. ff. 3-4. Cf. also Brit Mus Quart., ii, 1927-1928, p.100 and plate lxiv. Presented by Miss Elsie Druce.
Add Ms 41667 (continued)
C. Notes by the Rev. Charles Haddon Spurgeon for a sermon on the text of Hebrews xii. 2, beg. 'I. There was even in the dying Saviour's heart a deep joy'; n.d. (watermark [18]73). Similar notes, with the corresponding sermons, are printed in C. H. Spurgeon's Fac-simile Pulpit Notes, 1894, and another sermon on the same text in The New Park St Pulpit, v, 1859, no. 236. For Spurgeon's method of composition see Charles Ray, A Marvellous Ministry: The Story of C. H. Spurgeon's Sermons, 1905, pp. 34-38. f. 5-5b. Presented by the Rev. A. Cunningham Burley.
D. Despatch, numbered 60, in French, from [Jean François, Baron de] Bourgoing, French Minister at the Court of Denmark, to [Charles Maurice de] Talleyrand[-Périgold], Minister for Foreign Affairs, describing the hostilities between England and Denmark and the arrival of the British fleet off Copenhagen, beg. 'Le Ministre Batave expedie'; Copenhagen (lundi) 9 germinal [30 Mar. 1801]. The battle of Copenhagen was fought on 2 Apr. 1801. Sotheby's sale-cat., 13-15 Feb. 1928, lot 437. ff. 6-7b.
E. Letter of condolence from Mary Ann Evans ('George Eliot') to Miss - Kittermaster; Griff, Friday [watermark 1838]. ff. 8-9b.
F. Papers, in Polish, relating to the claims of Paul Salvator Piast-Riedelski to the throne of Poland, including: -(1) Letter to the above from Stanislaw Bednarczuk on propaganda in Poland; Betz, 17 Mar. 1928. ff. 10-11b; -(2) Certificate of identity of the said Bednarczuk, 1925. ff. 12-13. Presented by Maj-Gen H. Victor van Broens-Trupp.
G. Tract, addressed to Parliament, on the decay of trade through the rivalry of the Dutch, advocating as remedies the encouragement of the herring fishing and the support of the East India Company, beg. 'The trade of Marchandize for this westerne worlde'. Probably written circ. 1610, and, if so, addressed to the Parliament dissolved 9 Feb. 1611. No. 112 in the list of Lord Leconfield's MSS. (Hist. MSS. Comm., 6th Report, 1877, App., p. 310); lot 150 at the Petworth (Earl of Northumberland's) sale, Sotheby's, 23 Apr. 1928. For other Leconfield MSS. acquired at the same sale see Add. MSS. 41612-41617. ff. 19-24.
H. Petition, in Italian, to Pope Pius IX by Angelica Carauiolo, Marchesa di Rende, for exemption from fasting. Beneath is the Pope's autograph rescript, 'Proprio Confessario cum facultatibus necessariis et opportunis'; Gaeta, 7 Apr. 1849, followed by a note of authentication in Latin by the Magister Cubiculi, Fusilier de Medicis. With signet (broken). Henrici's sale-cat. cxxxiii, 24 May 1928, lot 35. f. 25.
I. Two conjoint vellum leaves (each 11 in x 8 in), known as the Mac Veagh fragment, from a French music book, containing six motets in Latin and French, of which only no. 2 is complete. xiv cent. The compositions are: -(1) 'Per grama prothoparet' (sic) over the tenor 'Valde honorandus est beatus iohannes'. f. 26; -(2) 'De ce que folz pense', in a smaller (charter) hand. Published in J Wolf, Handbuch der Notationskunde, i, 1913, pp. 354-360. f. 26; -(3) 'Se cuers ioians iones iolis', published in J. Wolf, Geschichte der Mensural-notation, 1904, no. 9 in parts ii and iii. f. 26b; -(4) 'O flos florens floride. f. 26b: -(5) 'Ie commence me canchon' over the tenor 'Iay pastez chaus'. f. 27; -(6) 'Nous sommes de bons compaingnons'. f. 27b. The dialect forms point to Picardy. For a fuller description see H. Besseler, 'Studien zur Musik des Mittelalters' in Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, vii, 1925, pp. 196-197. According to a note signed T.F.B on f. 26, the fragment was found, in Aug. 1895, in the binding of a book (dated 1481) at Ampleforth College.
K. Letters to Robert Nelson (cf. Add. MSS. 45511, 45512, which are from the same source), chiefly material for his Life of George Bull, Bishop of St David's (d. 1710), published in 1713. The writers are: -(1) Robert Huntington, Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, Bishop of Raphoe 1701; 1 May [16]84, 7 Nov. [16]85. ff. 28-30; -(2) the Rev. Robert Bull, Rector of Tortworth, son of Bishop Bull; 17 May [1712]. ff. 31-33; -(3) the Rev. Jos[eph] Stephens, Rector of Siddington al. Suddington, son-in-law of Bishop Bull; 21 June 1712-21 March 1713. ff. 35-36b, 39-40b, 46-52; -(4) the Rev. Jo[hn] Newte, Rector of Tiverton; 2 July-9 Aug. 1712. ff. 37-37b, 41-42, 43; -(5) the Rev. Ch[arles] Brent, Canon of St David's, nephew of Mrs Bull; 22 Aug. 1712. ff. 44-45. The letters on ff. 36b, 38b, 42b, 45b, 47b, 49 bear endorsements in Nelson's hand. Presented by the Rev. H. P. Kennedy Skipton, F.S.A.
L. Letter, in English, from Léopold, D[uc] de B[rabant], afterwards Leopold II, King of the Belgians, to Col. S[eymour John] Blane, aide-de-camp to the Viceroy of India, thanking him for his photograph and for his attention during Leopold's Indian tour; London, 20 June 1865. ff. 53-54. Presented by Mrs J. St Clair.
M. (1) Letter from Anthony Panizzi, [K.C.B. 1869, Principal Librarian of the British Museum 1856], to the President of the Royal Society (Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex), offering himself as candidate for the Librarianship of the Society; [1835]. Copy. ff. 56-57b; -(2) Official British Museum receipt to Messrs Varty and Owen, publishers, for books delivered; 23 Jan. 1855. Signed by A[nthony] Panizzi. f. 58. Presented by F. Turner, Esq.
N. Regulations for the Household (1) of the Archbishop of York at Bishopthorpe, and (2-6) of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace, viz.: -(1) 'Orders to be observed for the Government of the House and ffamily at Bishopthorp', beg. 'ffor the government Chamber: The Groome of the greate Chamber is to looke to the dressing'. Endorsed 'Copy of orders d(elivere)d to his Grace [Abp. Accepted Frewen] 31 July 1662'. ff. 59-61; -(2) 'The Gent. o' th' Horse's Office and Duety', beg. 'That The Gent. o' th' Horse having ye Command', endorsed 1664 (ff. 62-62b); followed (ff. 63-68b) by three later and slightly variant copies, one endorsed 1691. ff. 62-68; -(3) 'The Stewards Duty' beg. 'That the Steward view every Night'. Four copies, the first two with corrections and alterations, the third endorsed 1694. ff. 69-75b; -(4) 'For the Regulation of the Small Beer Cellar'; 25 July 1684. f. 76; -(5) 'Orders for Waiting', mentioning Mrs Wake's (d. 1731) man. ff. 78-79; -(6) 'Orders for the Custody of the Keys of all the Gates', signed W. Cant. [William Wake, Archbishop 1716-1737]. f. 80.
O. Two autograph poems, in French, by François Édouard Joachim Coppée, viz.: -(1) Four stanzas of four lines, rhymed a b a b, beg. 'C'est l'heure exquise et matinale', dated Oct. 1867. Recast and published as 'Matin d'Octobre' in Le Cahier rouge, 1874. f. 82; -(2) 'La foi du peuple', in alexandrines, beg. 'Le fin clocher du bourg, sur la côte normande'; a rough draft with many alterations in pencil and ink. Published separately in its final form as Dans une Église de Village, 1899, and afterwards in Dans la Prière et dans la Lutte, 1901. Sotheby's sale-cat., 18-21 June 1928, lot 878. ff. 83-85.
P. Two letters, in German, from [Gustav] Freytag, dramatist and novelist, viz.: -(1) Letter to Herr Regierungsrath - Masuch, inviting him to an anniversary (Stiftungsfest) of the local Künstlerverein; Breslau, 19 May 1844. f. 86; -(2) Letter to a friend in Leipzig, evidently Heinrich Laube, the dramatist and Liberal, expressing sympathy with the February revolution in Paris; Dresden, 5 Mar. 1848. Henrici's sale-cat., cxxxvi, 5 July 1928, lot 100. ff. 87-88.
Q. Letter while on tour from C[harles John] Kean, actor, to a theatrical manager, with instructions against damp floors; 27 Apr. 1861. f. 89. Presented by John Scott, Esq.
R. Leaves from a scrap-book, containing six autograph poems by James Sheridan Knowles, dramatist, differing slightly from the printed versions where such exist, viz.: -(1) 'The first Rhymes I ever wrote', beg. 'O dear Eliza tell me why'. f. 90; -(2) 'From a projected Opera', three songs, beg. 'Cease, O Cease, Sir! Arts like these', 'Ah who can tell, when Woman loves', 'Bacchanalia (title): Once!-Fill the goblet!-Fill'. The opera was printed with the title 'Alexina' in Various Dramatic Works, 1874, where the two first songs appear in vol. i, pp. 230, 249. ff. 91-93; -(3) Two political poems of 1829, beg. 'Farewell to you, Anglesea. Said you you'd bother', on the recall of the Marquess of Anglesey from Ireland, and 'Erin, griev'st thou? No!', on Catholic Emancipation. Both are printed in R. B. Knowles, The Life of James Sheridan Knowles, 1872, pp. 79-82. ff. 94-95b. Two 19th cent. engravings are included, viz. one of J. S. Knowles as prefixed to his Dramatic Works, 1856 (f. 90); the other of Eaton Hall in Cheshire (f. 91b).
S. Literary autographs, nos. 18, 49, 238 respectively in Henrici's sale-cat. cxli, 10-11 Oct. 1928, viz.: -
(1) Letter, in Norwegian, from Björnst[jerne] Björn[son], author, to Herman [Major] Schirmer, architect, relative to subscriptions for [Johan Peter] Selmer, composer; Aulestad, 14 Sept. 1876. Belonged to Adolph Meyerdiercks of Hamburg. ff. 96-97.
(2) Verses, in German, by Chamisso (Ludwig Carl Adelbert von Chamisso do Boncourt), being fragmentary drafts of several poems in pencil and ink. The most complete is a version of Béranger's 'Couplets sur la journée de Waterloo', beg. 'Dir dankt das Volk', published in his volume of translations, Bérangers Lieder, 1838. Accompanied (f. 99) by a facsimile of Chamisso's poem 'Das Vermächtnis', beg. 'Ich bin schon alt'. ff. 98-99.
(3) Letters from Johan Nicolai Madvig, Danish classical scholar, viz.: -(a) Letter, in Latin, to Karl Wilhelm Dindorf, German classical scholar, explaining an apparent discourtesy and forwarding a copy of his recent work on Asconius; Copenhagen, 11 Apr. 1829. ff. 100-100b; -(b) Letter, in Danish, to Professor [Niels Laurits] Høyen, art critic, introducing Professor C. Passow of Berlin; [Copenhagen], 13 July 1843. f. 102.
T. Forged autographs of Thomas Hardy: -(1) Poem on Keats's house in Hampstead, July 1920, beg. 'O poet, come you haunting here?', published in Late Lyrics and Earlier, 1922, p. 28. ff. 103-104; -(2) Card of invitation to Thomas Smith to dinner, n.d. f. 105. Presented by Thomas J. Wise, Esq., by whom they were detected.
U. Liturgical fragments in Latin, viz.: -(1) Two conjoint and consecutive vellum leaves (each 15 in. x 9¾ in.) from a Liturgical Psalter, containing part of the office for Saturday Vespers. xiv cent. ff. 106-107b; -(2) Vellum leaf (20 in x 135/8 in.), numbered cx, from a Gradual, containing part of the services for Corpus Christi and the First Sunday after Trinity. Large decorated initial with colours on gold ground; other flourished initials in red, black and blue. Music on a four-lined stave. xv cent. At foot, signature 'H. Buttstaedt' and the no. 2467. ff. 108-108b. Presented by the Rev. Canon G. H. Siddans.
V. Indenture of Sarah Jennings, a child from the Charity School 'commonly called the Blue-coat School' in the parish of St Margaret, Westminster, as servant to Hannah Ives, widow, of the parish of St Paul's, Covent Garden, for a term of five years; 5 Apr. 1736. Signed and sealed by Hannah Ives, and witnessed by Justinian Ekins and John Carne. Printed form with MS. supplements. f. 109. Presented by J. P. Gilson, Esq.
W. Certificate, in German, by the Prussian police at Coblenz of the confiscation of a copy of Heine's Neue Gedichte at Hoelscher's bookshop; 16 Oct. 1844. Similar certificates are printed by W. Funder, Zur Heine-Zensur, 1932, p. 2. f. 110. Presented by Herr Walther Funder, Editor of 'Der Zeitungshändler'. Paper and vellum; f. 110. Large folio.
Add Ms 42856 Anthony Trollope Autobiography. 217ff
'AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY', BY ANTHONY TROLLOPE, the novelist (d. 1882); written 1 Jan.-11 Apr. 1876 (see f. iib) with additions in 1879 (see f. 212). The autograph manuscript (except for some passages from letters quoted on ff. 79-79b, 83, 83b, 190-191), but not apparently that sent to the printers for the first edition published by his elder son, Henry Merivale Trollope, in 1883, where it is stated that the autobiography was begun in the latter part of 1875. In the first edition a few passages were suppressed and some slight alterations were made, neither being indicated in the present manuscript; a number of words were also mistranscribed The latter were corrected from the present manuscript in the revised version published, with an introduction and postscript, by Michael Sadleir in 1947; Sadleir's edition still excluded passages omitted in the first edition. The textual variations between the first edition and the manuscript are set out, and the excluded passages printed (in an appendix, pp. 369-389) in the edition in 'The Oxford Trollope', published in 1950 with a preface by Frederick Page, the frontispiece to which reproduces f. 89. See also Brit. Mus. Quart., vii, 1932-1933, p. 72, and Friends of the National Libraries, Annual Report 1932-1933, pp. 17-18, and pl. II (reproducing ff. 88b-89). Paper; ff. iii+214. Quarto. 1876-1879. The manuscript was bequeathed by Trollope to Henry Merivale Trollope (d. 1926), with instructions that it should be opened after his death (see direction on f. i and Trollope's letter to Henry, dated 30 Apr. 1876, printed in part in the 1883 ed., pp. v-vi; the full text will be found in Sadleir's introduction to the 1947 ed., p. xvi). Four leaves (now ff. ii, iii, 1, 2) were presented separately in 1942 by Henry Merivale Trollope's daughter, Miss Muriel Trollope. Presented by Friends of the National Libraries.
Add Ms 43484 W M Thackeray The Wolves and the Lamb: A Play
GEORGE SMITH MEMORIAL BEQUEST. Vol. XI (ff. 76). 'The Wolves and the Lamb', a play in two Acts, by William Makepeace Thackeray; the autograph manuscript, written probably in 1854 (certainly submitted for theatrical performance in March 1855; see The Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, ed. Gordon N. Ray, 1945, ii, nos. 1106, 1107). The original title, 'A Shorn Lamb' (f. 1), is crossed through, the present title being substituted below. The manuscript is written in both Thackeray's upright (ff. 1-14, 20-24, 27-29, 31-37) and sloping (ff. 15-19, 30, 38-76) hand; ff. 25, 26 are in the autograph of Thackeray's younger daughter, Harriet. Alterations are throughout in the upright hand. Compositors' names and gathering-signatures (in red pencil) show that the manuscript was used as printers' copy; the signatures (see 33 d on f. 27, 48 e on f. 43, and 65 f on f. 58), however, indicate that it was not used for the text of the Library Edition published posthumously in 1869 (vol. xxii), its first recorded publication, but point to a relationship with the text in Add. MS. 46913, which appears to be a privately printed edition of the play set up by Smith, Elder and Co., perhaps for Thackeray's use at a performance of it at the house-warming party given at Palace Green, 24, 25 Feb. 1862. Paper. Large quarto. A.D. 1854?
Add Ms 43485 Robert Browning The Ring and the Book vol 1
GEORGE SMITH MEMORIAL BEQUEST. Vols XII, XIII. 'The Ring and the Book', by Robert Browning: the autograph manuscript, as sent to the printers for the first edition published by Smith, Elder and Co. in four vols. between 21 Nov. 1868 and 27 Feb. 1869. 43485 contains Parts I-VI, 43486 Parts VII-XII. The text of the MS., which has minor corrections throughout, differs at many points from that eventually printed. In particular, Part IV, 'Tertium Quid', was expanded before publication from 1546 lines of the MS. to 1640 lines, many passages being largely rewritten. Numerous passages of a single line or more were added elsewhere throughout the poem. Four (apparently unpublished) letters from Browning to George Murray Smith, dated 30 July 1868, 1 Jan., 11 Feb. 1869, and 8 Sept. 1875, are included in 43485 (ff. i-v). The first three relate to the present poem, the last to 'The Inn Album'. Paper; ff. v + 383, 362. Quarto. A.D. 1868-1869. Presented by Robert Browning to Mrs George Murray Smith in 1869 (the letter to her husband which accompanied the gift is at 43485, f. iv). Bound in green morocco, gilt-tooled.
Add Ms 43486 Robert Browning The Ring and the Book vol 2 (see Add Ms 43485)
Add Ms 43487 E B Browning Sonnets from the Portuguese
GEORGE SMITH MEMORIAL BEQUEST. Vol. XIV. 'Sonnets from the Portuguese' (here simply headed 'Sonnet I' [II, etc.]), and seven other poems (see below), by Elizabeth Barrett afterwards Barrett Browning: autograph, with corrections, particularly to the later sonnets and the other poems. The text of the sonnets (ff. 3-50) differs in many small particulars from that of the first printed edition (E B Browning, Poems, 1850, vol. ii); 'Future and Past', there (i, p.362) printed apart from the series and later included as Sonnet XLII, here appears as Sonnet XVII. The other poems in the MS. were, with one exception, first printed, with alterations of text and, in two cases, of title, in Poems, 1850, or Poems, 1856. They are:-(a) 'A Denial' (1856). f. 58; -(b) 'Life and Love' (1850). f. 61; -(c) 'Verses' ('Inclusions', 1850). f. 62; -(d) 'A Ring', first printed in Times Lit. Supp., 21 June 1947, p. 316. f. 63; -(e) 'Only' ('Insufficiency', 1850). f. 64; -(f) 'Proof and Disproof' (1856). f. 65; -(g) 'Question and Answer' (1856). f. 69. The spurious 'Reading edition' of 1847 was first exposed by J Carter and G Pollard, An Enquiry into the Nature of Certain Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets, 1934, pp. 26-27. The present MS. appears to have been written, at least for the most part, in 1846; at the end, below the text of Sonnet XLIV, is written '50 Wimpole Street, 1846, Sept.', and below this is added, in ink of a different colour, 'Married - September 12th, 1846'. Two other autograph MSS. of the Sonnets are in existence, and appeared as lots 152 and 153 in the Browning sale, Sotheby's, 2 May 1913; the former is now in Pierpont Morgan Library, the latter in the private library of Arthur A Houghton, Jr. (see MS. Facs. 328). For a critical edition, giving the variants of all three MSS., see Sonnets from the Portuguese, edited by Fannie Ratchford, New York, 1950, where the present MS. is denoted B. For a full description of the present MS. see Times Lit. Supp., loc. cit. The autograph MS. of 'Future and Past' (Sonnet XLII), described by T J Wise, The Ashley Library, i, 1922, p. 98, and elsewhere, is now in the British Museum as Ashley MS. A. 223. Sonnet XIX in the present MS. is reproduced in Poetical Works of E B Browning, 1897, and Sonnet XLIII in Fannie Ratchford, op. cit., frontispiece. Paper; ff. ii + 89 (ff. 24, 37, 41, 48, 68 stubs; ff. 2, 51-57, 70-89, blank). Octavo. Circ. A.D. 1846. Owned until his death (1889) by Robert Browning. Given by his son, Robert Wiedemann Barrett Browning, to Mrs George Murray Smith in 1898 (his letter to her husband, announcing his intention of making the gift, is at f. i; a presentation inscription is on f. 1). Bound in half roan, with marbled sides.
Add Ms 46891-46910. Letters, diaries, accompts, sketchbooks, etc., of William Makepeace Thackeray; 1817-1863, n.d. The letters (together with the majority of the pen drawings illustrating them), and the diaries, have been printed and edited by Gordon N Ray, The Letters and Private Papers of W M Thackeray, 4 vols., 1945-1946. The accompts and other miscellanea in 46895-46905 have not been published except where specifically stated. The collection belonged formerly to, and was acquired from, Mrs Hester Thackeray Fuller, daughter of W M Thackeray's eldest daughter, Lady Ritchie. A few, however, of the letters printed by Ray as from Mrs Fuller's collection are no longer with the present series. The names of the writers will be found in the Index to the present Catalogue. Twenty volumes. Paper. Various sizes.
Add Ms 46891 W M Thackeray Letters
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vols. I-IV. Letters; 1817-1863, n.d.
Vol 1 (ff. 115). July 1817-Oct 1834
Add Ms 46892 W M Thackeray Letters
Vol II (ff. 187). July 1835-Dec 1846
Add Ms 46893 W M Thackeray Letters
Vol III (ff. 172). March 1847-Nov 1854
Add Ms 46894 W M Thackeray Letters
Vol IV (ff. 114). Feb 1855-Dec 1863, n.d.
THACKERAY PAPERS. Diaries and accompts, etc.; 1832-1863.
Add Ms 46895 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. V (ff. 108). Diary: 2 Apr. - 23 Nov. 1832.
Add Ms 46896 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. VI (ff. iii + 78). Accompts; 25 Jan-23 Aug 1833. Printed Ray, i, pp. 504-505. The two entries for December appear, however, to relate to 1834.
Add Ms 46897 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. VII (ff. 16). Diary, 1-2 Nov 1834, ff. 3-3b, and 20 Apr (almost certainly an error for 19 Apr) - 11 June 1835, ff. 4-5b. Also (reversing the volume) are accompts, 28 Dec 1837 - 22 Dec 1838, ff. 16-12b (printed Ray, i, pp. 513-516); miscellaneous notes, English and French, ff. 11b-8b (printed Ray, i, pp. 516-517); and a receipt for wages, signed 'John Goulsworthy' (i.e. John Goldworthy), f. 7.
Add Ms 46898 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. VIII (ff. 24). Diary, 27 July-11 Aug 1841, ff. 2-6 (preceded by (f. 1) a prayer, printed Ray, ii, pp. 30-31); 2 Feb - 22 Apr 1842, ff. 7-9; 10-15 Mar 1848, ff. 17-22. In addition are verses, beg. 'In the midd of all the joy as I behold it', f.15 (printed Ray, ii, pp. 481-487) and miscellaneous notes, f. 16. Reversing the volume are (at ff. 24b-23b) notes, n.d., from a French edition of Mémoires du Prince Eugène de Savoie, écrits par lui-même (i.e. Charles Joseph, Prince de Ligne).
Add Ms 46899 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. IX (ff. ii + 103). Diary, 1 Jan - 9 Dec 1844, ff. 13b-62b; accompts, Jan - Aug 1844, ff. 66b-74 (printed Ray, ii, pp. 840-842).
Add Ms 46900 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. X (ff. ii + 105). Accompts, May-Dec 1854, ff. 37-44; diary, 1 Jan - 29 Nov 1854, ff. 45-68b.
Add Ms 46901 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol XI (ff. 105). Accompts, Jan - Aug 1858, ff. 32b-45; diary, 2 Jan - 23 Sept 1858, ff. 45b-64. at f. 105 is an address list.
Add Ms 46902 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol XII (ff. i + 21). Diary, 12 July - 10 Sept 1858, ff. 1-4b, and 16-25 Aug 1863, ff. 12b-13b. Apparently the original from which the entries in 46905, ff. 41-42b, were copied.
Add Ms 46903 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. XIII (ff. i + 75). Diary, 9 Jan - 19 Nov 1861; ff. 1b-55. The entries (on f. 1b) for 1, 2 Jan are in another hand. Accompts, Jan - Dec 1861; ff. 63-74. At f. 75 are measurements of rooms, probably at his new house, no. 2, Palace Green, Kensington.
Add Ms 46904 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol XIV (ff. i + 33). Diary, 10 Jan - 19 Dec 1862, ff. 53-110; accompts, Jan - Dec 1862, ff. 112b-123b. Included also are:- measurements of rooms (as on 46903, f. 75), f. 45; prescription signed A Ure, 23 Jan 1862, f. 45; notes on Philip, etc., f. 45; inventory of furnishings at 2, Palace Green, and estimate of assets, ff. 46-47b (printed Ray, iv, pp. 405-407; note by Lady Ritchie headed 'Estimate with Mr Fladgate 25/1/64', f. 48 (printed Ray, iv, p. 407); notes on The Pall Mall Gazette, etc., f. 124b; genealogical table for Philip, f. 133.
Add Ms 46905 W M Thackeray Diaries and Accompts
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol XV (ff. i + 77). Accompts, Jan - Dec 1863, n.d., ff. 1, 64b-76; diary, 3 Jan - 16 Dec 1863, ff. 3b-61b. The entry for 11 Dec (f. 60b) was printed by Ray under 17 Dec, for which the entry has been excised.
Add Mss 46906-46907. THACKERAY PAPERS. Vols XVI-XVII. Material relating to Denis Duval, etc.; 1863-1864. Two quarto volumes uniformly bound by Riviere and Son in brown levant with gold tooling, for Mrs Fuller before her marriage, whose initials H H M T R (i.e. Hester Helena Makepeace Thackeray Ritchie), appear on the upper cover of 46907.
Add Ms 46906 W M Thackeray Denis Duval notebook
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol XVI (ff. i + 18). Notebook for Denis Duval; 1863. Included (ff. 5-6) is a 'Sketch for Story', apparently an earlier draft of the version in a letter to George Smith, reprinted by Ray, iv, pp. 292-293, from Frederick Greenwood, 'Notes on Denis Duval', The Cornhill Magazine, vol ix, June 1864, pp. 655-665. Extracts from the miscellaneous notes at ff. 1-4, 6-18, were also printed in the above article.
Add Ms 46907 W M Thackeray Denis Duval proof-sheets and two brief biographical sketches of Thackeray by Trollope and Dickens, the latter with an autograph note by Lady Ritchie.
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol XVII (ff. 50). Denis Duval: proof-sheets and other printed material from The Cornhill Magazine; 1863-1864.
Viz.: -(1) Proof-sheets of Chapters i-vii of Denis Duval with autograph corrections by Thackeray; 1863. Chapters i-viii were printed in The Cornhill Magazine, vol ix, Mar - June 1864, without most of these corrections. The changes of names were, however, made. ff. 1-43; -(2) Printed extracts from articles in The Cornhill Magazine, vol ix, February 1864, pp. 129-137; viz.: -(a) 'In Memoriam' by Charles Dickens. ff. 46-47b (with an autograph note by Lady Ritchie, f. 47b); -(b) 'Historical Contrast', verses by Hn [-]. f. 48; -(c) 'W M Thackeray' by Anthony Trollope. ff. 48b-50.
Add Mss 46908-46910. THACKERAY PAPERS. Vols XVIII-XX. Miscellaneous sketches and drawings by W M Thackeray; circ. 1934-1854, n.d.
Add Ms 46908 W M Thackeray Sketches and drawings
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. XVIII (ff. 53). Miscellaneous sketches, pencil, pen and wash; n.d. These sketches, which appear to cover the years 1834-1854, were assembled and given pencil identifications by Mrs Fuller. The subject of a pencil and wash portrait at f. 1 is said to be Mrs Brookfield. One sketch (f. 50) is initialled 'R P B' (i.e. Richard Parkes Bonington, d. 1828).
Add Ms 46909 W M Thackeray Sketches and drawings
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. XIX (ff. 31). Pencil and occasional pen drawings, a few tinted, of Switzerland, etc.; n.d. The Swiss scene (f. 21) was reproduced by Ray in Thackeray, the Age of Wisdom, 1958. pl. xv, and ascribed to the year 1859. That of Berne (f. 22) is reproduced in The Orphan of Pimlico, ed. A I Thackeray, 1876, and is annotated with a quotation from Thackeray's letter to Mrs Brookfield, 17-21 July 1851, printed Ray, ii, p. 795.
Add Ms 46910 W M Thackeray Sketches and drawings
THACKERAY PAPERS. Vol. XX (ff. 17). Designs by Thackeray for sixteen playing cards; 1854. Reproduced in The Orphan of Pimlico. Another design for a playing card is in 46909, f. 31. Designs for further five cards also reproduced, op. cit., are no longer with the collection. Their date is established by letters printed by Ray, iii, pp. 385-387.
Add Ms 46913 W M Thackeray The Wolves and the Lamb; A Play (acting copy)
'THE WOLVES AND THE LAMB', the play in two acts by William Makepeace Thackeray, privately printed by Smith, Elder and Co., interleaved and with manuscript additions; circ. 1854-1862. The present edition was probably set up from the autograph manuscript Add. Ms 43484, written circ. 1854, and may have been prepared for the first performances which, according to notes on ff. 1b (in the hand of the donor) and 4, were given for the house warming at Palace Green on 24, 25 Feb. 1862. The extensive manuscript deletions and corrections appear to relate to these performances. They were not followed in the first recorded publication, the Library Edition, vol. xxii, published posthumously in 1869. A revised ending and a special epilogue spoken by Thackeray are added in manuscript on ff. 57-57b, followed by a list of props, etc., on ff. 59-60. On f. 3 appears the name 'Mrs Bonnington', whose part, according to a list of the cast on f. 4, was played by Thackeray's younger daughter Harriet Marian. Many if not all, the alterations to the text seem to be in her hand. For the Thackerary Papers formerly owned by the donor of the present volume see Add. Mss. 46891-46910. Paper; ff. i+60. Octavo (cropped). Circ. 1854-1862. Contemporary green morocco binding, gilt-tooled. Owned, aft. 1877, by Thackeray's elder daughter Anne Isabella, wife of Sir Richmond Ritchie, K.C.B., and mother of the donor (bookplate, f. i, and signature, f. 2). Presented by Mrs. Hester Thackeray Fuller.
Add Ms 54338 George Eliot Letters
Add Ms 58436 George Eliot Letters
Add Ms 65530 George Eliot Letters to Herbert Spencer
GEORGE ELIOT CORRESPONDENCE: letters from Marian Evans (b. 1819, d. 1880), the novelist 'George Eliot', to Herbert Spencer (b. 1820, d. 1903), philosopher, with related Spencer correspondence, notes and extracts; circa 1851-1902, n.d. Partly autograph. Party printed. The letters from Marian Evans to Spencer include a declaration of her feelings for him, which he was unable to reciprocate; the related correspondence centres on Spencer's eagerness, after her death, to quell rumours that he had at one time been in love with her. See G S Haight, George Eliot, A Biography (Oxford, 1968), pp. 111-122. Presented by the Trustees of Herbert Spencer, 21 Aug. 1935, and reserved from use for fifty years. Paper; ff. 76. 343 x 240mm
1. ff. 1-14. Letters from Marian Evans to Herbert Spencer; circa 1851-1859. Autograph.
2. ff. 15-76. Related Spencer correspondence, notes and extracts, including letters from Caroline Bray, J W Cross, Eliza Lynn Linton and E L Youmans; 1881-1902, n.d.
Egerton Ms 3689 W M Thackeray The Newcomes (fragment)
'The Newcomes' by W. M. Thackeray. 2 pp of the corrected autograph manuscript. ff. i+2.